• +234 (0)8031391023
  • admin@CharlesDeGreat.com.ng

We provide capital dredging, sand dredging, stock pilling and maintenance dredging for our clients. When it comes to coastal protection and maritime services, Charles De Great Nig. Ltd. has the required expertise to exceed customers’ expectations. Our dredging system offers a multitude of different options from the portable river sand suction dredger to the submersible slurry pump dredger, land based bucket ladder, deep digging floating clamshell dredges, high pressure jet sand suction and the hydraulic cutter suction dredger.

We are experts in river silt cleaning, sand production, stock pilling, pond, river and lake dredging and all forms of underwater excavation. We can deliver products from our dredging sites to any locations within Nigeria and across West Africa.